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The show I needed didn’t exist. So I created it…



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inspiration + resources

All things beauty

The old days of piecing together the best beauty industry advice from random, (and often questionable) sources are over!

I’ve created a positive, motivating, and honest environment where you can get the tips and inspo you need. Take what works for you (knowing the truth about what has and hasn’t worked for others) and leave with more confidence, knowledge, or excitement about this wild west we call the beauty industry.

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What it's all about

Tips and Techniques

After 9 years in the beauty industry, I have so much to share. I share all my secrets and industry insider tips on everything from getting started to growing and learning along the way.

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You'll find yourself whisked away into the real stories of artists and beauty lovers like you. We won't just cover the glamour though... you'll get the good, the bad, and the exfoliated truth.

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Why now?

So much time has been wasted feeling unqualified, “not ready” and… to be honest… straight up scared. I thought, “Who would want to learn from me? I’m no Val Garland. I’m no RenĂ©e Rouleau. Who am I to give advice to others in the world of beauty and aesthetics?

Once I (finally) got out of my own way long enough to listen to those around me, I discovered that it’s for the precise reason that I’m not yet at the height of my career that what I can share is valuable. Although I may only be 2 steps ahead of the artist next to me, I still get asked all the time how I got to where I am today. I figured, if the mentor I wish I had was in the middle of her journey too, going through the ups and downs alongside me instead of simply sharing how she did things in the past, maybe others would want that kind of voice in their life too!

I’ve paid my dues, spent time in the hustle, and have learned so much that it would be a crime not to share the details with you. The truth is, I’m not perfect (surprise, surprise). And I don’t have it all figured out. But that’s the secret sauce and why I know joining me on this journey will be so impactful for you: we get to make it up as we go, together!


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